ASC Nodes Explained

The Assessor Node is one of the three critical elements of the Artificial Super Computer Network's backend architecture:

Vessels: Central to the network, the Vessel is where the actual cloud operations occur. It acts as a virtual endpoint, carrying out various tasks such as rendering games for players, executing AI inference jobs, or powering virtual devices. The Vessel's main goal is to provide an instantaneous and responsive cloud experience, delivering a "zero lag" interaction. This is accomplished by transferring the workload from the local device directly to the Vessel, such as offloading all game execution and command processing.

Assessors: The Assessor is vital for maintaining the integrity and performance of the Vessels within the network. They are responsible for verifying the specifications of each Vessel as outlined by the Vessel providers, crucial for upholding the network’s Quality of Service (QoS).

Catalogers: Fundamental to the network, the Cataloger connects consumers with appropriate Vessels, ensuring rapid initiation of cloud-based applications and services. The aim is to provide a “second on” service - meaning that the transition from a consumer's request to the actual service delivery (for example, a player’s game screen loading) happens almost instantly. This process demands precise signaling and effective scheduling.

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